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For Parents

Parenting a child under the best of circumstances is one of life’s great challenges and something we all undertake with the grandest ideas of what we want for our children. The task has become increasingly daunting with the demands placed upon us in today’s world, coupled with the growing precociousness of each generation and a society which exposes our children to influences we do not wish to be a part of their molding.      

So today you find yourself with an unmotivated child who is not achieving in school, exhibits poor decision making skills, has a negative peer group, fails to display age appropriate social skills and hesitates to engage in age appropriate social activities. Your child’s behaviors consume you with worry, sadness, fear, and lost in all of this is, your child’s fragility.  As a parent you feel desperate.  As a family, with everyone aware of the issue and everyone victim to an unhealthy family dynamic due to that issue, we arrive at a stalemate and hope we make it to bedtime with some relative peace.

Nothing changes and everyone suffers. You feel as if all your love, devotion and hard work appears for naught and you have been frustrated into submission.

You feel helpless.

Well guess what?  You are not the first parent to arrive at this point and as long as there are children in the world you will most certainly not be the last.

Never forget your child loves you and you love your child.

As your child’s Life Coach I will assist him/her in getting their life organized and prioritize their immediate, intermediate and long term goals. Among others, we will address the issues of motivation, decision making, self-esteem, peer group, peer pressure as well as overcoming any underlying issues, physical or psychological which are contributing to your child’s behavior.  

The approach will be holistic, covering every facet of your child’s life. The goal is to reach a healthy balance for your child’s life.  Maladaptive and dysfunctional behaviors are not uncommon in children but they do not have to be permanent. It is imperative they receive the correct intervention, preferably at the earliest point of crisis but it is never too late.  Our brains are still developing beyond our teenage years and like any other organ they can change, for better or for worse, during our lifespan.  By correcting our life habits and correcting our thought process, our brains can always change for the better.  As we move along this path together, I will recommend family sessions if needed.

For Parents: Services
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