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How Can a Life Coach Help?

Life Coaching addresses a wide range of blocks and dysfunctional behaviors that stand in the way of your personal progress.  The root of these blocks
and dysfunctional behaviors lies within our brains.  If a part of your brain is underperforming or off kilter it will have an impact on how you feel and hence
how you behave.

If your deep limbic system is misfiring then you will experience moodiness, negativity and will struggle to bond with others. Remember the adage “misery loves company”?  This part of your brain is the guilty party.  As we move through this process you will develop an improved outlook on life, be more enjoyable to be around and subsequently build a support system that lifts you up rather than pull you down.  If you are experiencing anxiety, panic, fearfulness or conflict avoidance your basal ganglia may be overactive.  A Life Coach will work with you to reduce and eliminate these anxieties and bring you to a place of comfort in your social and professional interactions.  Have you ever heard this pop-culture definition of insanity “repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result”?  Do you feel like your wheels are spinning and you’re repeating the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back?

You are not insane but probably have an overactive cingulate.  A Life Coach will work with you to develop goals that you wish to achieve and help you find the focus and skills to meet these goals.  An underactive prefrontal cortex effects the way in which we manage ourselves.  If you struggle to supervise yourself, you can’t stay focused or get organized and you lack follow through then a Life Coach will work with you to develop self-regulation skills
and discipline. If you are having memory and recognition problems, difficulty learning new materials, having mood swings and lack temper control then one of your temporal lobes may be problematic.   

The preceding paragraphs are not intended to alarm you or to give you the idea that you are damaged or broken. However, if you have taken the time to read this then there is probably a genuine problem and a real, physiological cause.  Like other organs our brains change, you did not wake up one morning and find yourself at the place you are at. Something changed – and for the worse.  A Life Coach is an agent of change for the better.

Through a process of thought and behavior adjustment, a Life Coach will help you take back control of your life.  Together we will develop and implement your plan to improve your life.  You will discover or rediscover the arts of self-regulation and self-advocacy. You will lean to manage your life on your terms.     

A Life Coach is not intended to take the place of any mental health, psychiatric or pharmacological therapies but to compliment them and provide an overall holistic intervention.  If these therapies are necessary but not in place, a Life Coach will provide assistance in finding the most appropriate therapies for you.

How Can a Life Coach Help?: About Me
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